Featured image of post Swords and Forks – Jam Game

Swords and Forks – Jam Game

Construct buildings, feed your peasants, recruit knights, and wipe out the opponent.

Made this game for Ludum Dare 42 (Running out of Space). Interestingly, the theme is similar to the previous game I made for Ludum Dare.

The main challenge with the game has been animating everything with code. Simulations usually play themselves, with all kinds of sequential animations. I’ve utilized my timing library Momentum, which was a great choice for the game. The alternative would have been messy update loops or cumbersome coroutines.

Sample Code – Character move from A to B

Task.Run() // Create and run a new task
   .Duration(1f) // Run for 1 second
   .Random(0.25f) // Randomize duration -0.25 or +0.25
   .OnUpdate(task => {
     // Lerp the position of the object with the progress of the task
     transform.position = Vector2.Lerp(
       origin, // from tile A
       target, // to tile B
       Ease.InOutBack(task.Progress) // Use easing
   // When the task completes set the position to the tile B
   .OnComplete(_ => pos = target);


I’ve started the game by making some art, and it reminded me just how important art is.

  1. You know what you’re building.
  2. It’s motivating because the game looks great.


In the future, I would love to expand on the game with Auto Chess mechanics.

  • Decide which characters to keep in your deck
  • Fight other players/AI
  • Combine your characters for power
  • Devise a strategy
  • Play on different landscapes
  • Watch it unfold



🕹 You can play it here


  • Start with the art
  • Use a tweening library
Last updated on Feb 13, 2021 19:48 UTC
Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy