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Romanius II - Flash Game

In the last installment Romanius took on the might of the youngest Cyclops brother Trollypheus, slaying him to avenge the deaths of many. But, the battle had only begun. There were dark and cruel times ahead. The two remaining Cyclops brothers, Groydonamus and Ograleus have extended their bloody reign by conquering Ceasers Acropolis. They had become an unstoppable force – and there was only one man who could bring the evil Cyclops brothers to their knees, ending their evil reign forever – Romanius!

This is a sequel to Romanius. Not much has changed here, some new enemy types, and better-looking artwork. There was supposed to be the 3rd and final part. Unfortunately, that never happened.



🕹 You can play it here.

Last updated on Jan 25, 2021 13:13 UTC
Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy